Complexul Educațional Laude-Reut

Dragi prieteni și colaboratori,

Acest site prezintă istoria instituției noastre, de la începuturi până la finalul lunii octombrie 2018, și rămâne activ fără a mai fi actualizat.
Vă așteptăm pe noul site LAUDE-REUT, la adresa, unde vă ținem informați cu toate activitățile Complexului Educațional Laude-Reut.
Mulțumim mult că ne sunteți alături,
Echipa Laude-Reut


        Dear friends and collaborators,
This site presents the history of our institution, from its beginnings to the end of October 2018, and remains active without being further updated.
We are waiting for you on the new LAUDE-REUT site at, where we keep you informed with all the activities of the Laude-Reut Educational Complex.
Thank you very much for your support,
The Laude-Reut team


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In solidarity with the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue attack that took place on 28th October 2018, the Laude-Reut students held a solemn moment for these atrocities to NEVER AGAIN happen.

May the memory of the victims be blessed!

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